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The Royal Suite
The Royal Suite

For up to 400 guests

12.1W x 24.2L x 4H

400 Theatre
260 Dinner Dance
175 Cabaret
168 Classroom
Balmoral, Buckingham & Highgrove
Balmoral, Buckingham & Highgrove

For up to 240 guests

12.1W x 18L x 4H

240 Theatre
180 Dinner Dance
126 Cabaret
120 Classroom
Balmoral & Buckingham
Balmoral & Buckingham

For up to 150 guests

12.1W x 12.1L x 4H

150 Theatre
126 Classroom
100 Dinner Dance
70 Cabaret
The Balmoral
The Balmoral

For up to 70 guests

12.1W x 6.1L x 4H

70 Theatre
35 Cabaret
30 Classroom
28 U-Shape
28 Boardroom
The Garden Suite
The Garden Suite

For up to 140 guests

7.6W x 14.4L x 2.8H

140 Theatre
100 Dinner Dance
77 Cabaret
70 Classroom
Ash, Beech, Cedar & Maple
Ash, Beech, Cedar & Maple

For up to 110 guests

7.6W x 10.8L x 2.8H

110 Theatre
80 Dinner Dance
56 Cabaret
50 Classroom
Ash, Beech & Cedar
Ash, Beech & Cedar

For up to 80 guests

7.6W x 10.8L x 2.8H

80 Theatre
50 Dinner Dance
42 Cabaret
36 Classroom
30 U-Shape
Ash & Beech
Ash & Beech

For up to 44 guests

7.6W x 7.2L x 2.8H

44 Theatre
28 Cabaret
24 Boardroom
22 Classroom
18 U-Shape

For up to 20 guests

7.6W x 3.6L x 2.8H

20 Theatre
15 Boardroom
The Willow Suite
The Willow Suite

For up to 40 guests

11.5W x 4.3L x 2.8H

40 Theatre
27 Boardroom
18 Classroom

For up to 18 guests

6W x 4.8L x 2.3H

18 Theatre
10 Boardroom

For up to 12 guests

6.2W x 4.3L x 2.3H

12 Theatre
8 Boardroom

For up to 12 guests

6.2W x 3.4L x 2.3H

12 Theatre
8 Boardroom

For up to 12 guests

6.2W x 3.4L x 2.3H

12 Theatre
8 Boardroom